
July 18, 2011

Shell Script To Transfer Files From Amazon S3 Bucket.

Yesterday i have got a requirement from one of my friend for a shell script. He has a application running on AWS EC2. This application daily generates a report file (In zip format) and put it into a aws S3 bucket. He wants to copy this zip file to his local server and available in a common share folder for internal use. And also he wants to extract the zip file before it is in the share. So i am started working on this and created a shell script to satisfy his requirement and i added some extra functionalites for easy use.
The main functionalities are:
  • Copy a latest uploaded file from S3 bucket.
  • Extract this file before moving to common share.
  • Log all the activites to a log file.
  • Send an email report to admin with current session of the log (Not sending All the Logs).

For The working of the script you need to install s3cmd utility. It is a great tool for managing a aws S3 bucket. For installation of s3cmd read the README file.

Here is the script:

#          FILE:
#         USAGE: 
#   DESCRIPTION:  This script is used to transfer latest zip file from AWS S3 to local directory then extract it into another directory.
#                 It will log all the actions and send a mail to admin.
#       OPTIONS:  ---
#  REQUIREMENTS:  This Script Requires s3cmd Utility. It is availble in
#          BUGS:  ---
#         NOTES:  ---
#        AUTHOR:  arun sasidharan (),
#       COMPANY:
#       VERSION:  1.0
#       CREATED:  Monday 18 July 2011 03:58:59  IST IST
#      REVISION:  ---
##Your S3 Bucket Name

##Local Directory For downloading files from S3 Bucket          

##Where to Log your activities during tranasfer         

##Target location to extract the ZIP file    
##Admin Email For sending Log  

##Email Subject               
EMAIL_SUBJECT="S3 Transfer Status On"  #Should be in Quotes   
#                               STOP EDITING FROM HERE DOWN!!!
DATE=$(date +"%d-%m-%Y_%Hh:%Mm")
TIME=$(date +"%Hh:%Mm")
echo "" >>$LOG_FILE
echo "$DATE" >>$LOG_FILE
[ -d $LOCAL_DIR ] || mkdir -p $LOCAL_DIR
[ -d $ZIP_EXT_DIR ] || mkdir -p $ZIP_EXT_DIR
#Main Functions
#This function is used to extract current sessions log from log file and send it to Admin
mail_me () {
 LIVE=$(cat $LOG_FILE | grep -n "$DATE" | tail -1 | cut -d":" -f 1)
#This function will send mail then exit with status 0
exit_0 () {
  exit 0
#This function will send mail then exit with status 1 (End up with error!)
exit_1 () {
  exit 1
## Get the Last uploaded File-name from S3 Bucket (Only One)
S3_OBJECT=$(s3cmd ls s3://$S3_BUCKET | sort | tail -1 | awk '{ print $4 }')
## Download the latest file into Local Directory
s3cmd get $S3_OBJECT $LOCAL_DIR 2>>$LOG_FILE                            
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
      echo "$TIME : Transfer Completed Successfully" >>$LOG_FILE
      FILE=$(echo $S3_OBJECT | awk -F"/" '{print $NF}')             ## Fetch the file name from S3 URL
      echo "$TIME : Zip Extraction Started" >>$LOG_FILE
      unzip -nq "$LOCAL_DIR""$FILE" -d $ZIP_EXT_DIR 2>>$LOG_FILE    ## Unzip the downloaded file to extract Directory
               if [ $? -eq 0 ]
            then echo "$TIME : Zip Successfully Extracted To $ZIP_EXT_DIR" >>$LOG_FILE
                    else echo "$TIME : Zip Extraction Failed With Above Errors" >>$LOG_FILE
      echo "$TIME : Transfer Failed with Above Errors" >>$LOG_FILE

You can Download the script from here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I am developing similar sort of functionality, where I have many .doc files in my S3 bucket. I need to upload them to EC2 instance (EBS) for processing and after than download back to S3. How can I achieve this kind of transfer?
